Finance Office
PO Box 126
Bison, SD 57620
605-244-5624 (Auditor phone)
605-244-5613 (License & Tax Division phone)
605-231-5560 (Fax)
Sara Stadler - Finance Officer
Amanda Larson - Deputy Finance Officer
Bridget Keller - Deputy Finance Officer
The County Finance Officer is the elected county business manager. He/she is responsible for commissioner proceedings, agendas and records, accounting records, revenue and expense reports, voter registration and elections. Businesses apply for beer and liquor licenses with the finance office.
The Finance Officer figures real estate and mobile home taxes, handles county bid lettings, indigent medical claims and collection of tax liens. The Finance Officer is also the collector of taxes, has the duty to receive all money belonging to the county, maintaining accounting records, payment of all county bills, and is responsible for county fund investment. Motor vehicle licensing, game licenses and drivers licenses are obtained at the finance office. The County Finance Officer also administers the county welfare program.
Driver's Licensing
Driver's License Test hours are:
Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Location: 100 East Main Street, Bison, SD
Driver's License / ID Card $28.00
Commercial Driver's License $33.00
CDL Endorsement Tests $15.00
Duplicate DL/ID $15.00
Property Tax
Forms For Towns/Townships
Tax Limitations and Opt Out Information for all taxing districts (except School Districts)
Township Annual Report Fillable (Excel
Oath of Office for Township Officers
Township Officers and Levy Request
2022 pay 2023 Delinquent Tax List